Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Nevada HOSA SLC 2016

As the state conference is fast approaching I thought I would give advice on how to make the most of HOSA State Leadership Competition. I know that our chapter is well practiced and prepared, but it is good to remember a few things to get the most out of your SLC experience. First of all, plan ahead as State Leadership Conference is March 13th- 16th 2016 in Las Vegas Nevada.  Secondly know who else is going to ride on the 8-9 hour bus trip with you as we have 38 delegates from Elko and Spring Creek High Schools that will be traveling and staying together at the Rio.  Thirdly, know when your Tests, Events and Meeting times and locations are. Events our Chapter is competing in include; everyone taking the Healthcare Issues Exam, 3 members competing in Dental Science, 2 teams in Forensic Medicine, 1 member in Dental Terminology, 2 teams in CPR/First Aid, 2 members in Veterinary Science, 2 members competing  in Job Seeking Skills, 4 members in Medical Assisting, 2 in Epidemiology, 1 member qualified in her test in Human Growth and Development, 1 in Nursing Assisting, 1 in Sports Med, 2 teams for Health and Career Display, 1 EMT team, and 2 members qualified in Medical Spelling. Also take part in the opportunity to be a member of Courtesy Corp., attend exciting Educational Symposiums and participate in the socials and networking events.  We should also recognize our members with volunteer hours for Barbara James and be proud that our chapter raised over $1200 for the Leukemia Lymphoma Foundation for the National Service Project.  Also make the most of the time with our chapter by enjoying the chapter dinner and picking from several options of fun activities for Chapter night on Tues., March 15th.  All the officers look forward to the trip, the competitions, the speakers, educational symposiums and the Opening and Closing Sessions as well as making new friendships and strengthening old ones. Make the most of your experiences there at SLC also.

-Kacie Bell, President

Image result for rio las vegas

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