Sunday, February 14, 2016

Human Head Transplant

Dr. Sergio Canavero plans to attempt the world first human head transplant. This project will be called HEAVEN-GEMINI. Valery Spiridonov is a 30-year-old computer scientist from Russia who has volunteered for this procedure. Valery Spiridonov is willing to face such slim chances because at age 1 he was diagnosed with a rare genetic muscle wasting condition known as Werdnig-Hoffman disease. Spiridonov claims that he can hardly control his body and needs help every day because of his condition and he wants a chance at a new body before he dies. Spiridonov disease is caused by the loss of motor neurons in the spinal cord, this prevents most individuals with this disease from walking and even sitting on their own.
            The procedure will take about 100 surgeons and 36 hours to complete. Spiridonov’s head will be attached to a donor body using spinal cord fusion. After the surgery Spiridonov will have to remain in a coma for about 3-4 weeks allowing time for the new nerve connection to boost using electrical stimulation. If everything goes as planned Spiridonov should be walking within a year. Although the most difficult parts of the procedure will be reconnecting the severed spinal cord and stopping the immune system from rejecting the new head. The entire procedure will cost around 11 million and the chances of success are very slim although Spiridonov says he is still willing to take the chance on Dr. Canavero. 
-Daisy Uribe

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