Sunday, February 7, 2016

National Service Project - Leukemia/Lymphoma Society

Image result for leukemia lymphoma society pennies for patients

This year the Elko County HOSA Chapter raised $1200.35 for the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society as our National Service Project. We did a fundraiser called Pennies for Patients, as well as a 50/50 raffle as an additional contribution. During the month of November, boxes were placed in all classrooms for students and teachers to donate spare change. Some were even generous enough to donate singles, fives, and a few ten dollar bills. Each week, at the end of the week, HOSA members went around to the classrooms to collect the funds and count the money that had been raised that week. This project went on for five weeks. 50/50 raffle tickets were sold for two dollars each during the basketball games at EHS. We were able to raise a total of $372. The lucky winner took home $182, while the other half was given to the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society. We had a very accomplished project this year and hope to the following years as well.
-Sydney Allen

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