Sunday, February 14, 2016

Nevada CTSO Leadership Rally 2015

Nevada CTSO Leadership Rally 2015

This winter, thirty eight students of the Elko County HOSA Chapter Members joined their advisors Mrs. Kohntopp and Mr.VanOrman on the Nevada CTSO Leadership Rally experience. The members stayed at the J. A Nugget Hotel where the conference was held in Reno, Nevada on December 8, 2015.
The fun started at 8:30 AM sharp on a Friday morning with an opening session. The theme of the rally was Heroic Leadership. Activities after activities brought members of all chapters closer together. Members of HOSA, FCCLA, FBLA, and DECA all wore their capes of power throughout 4 leadership sessions where they gained lifelong leadership skills.

The Nevada CTSO Leadership Rally had the privilege to have keynote speaker Wiley Bailey enlighten the crowd. Wiley and his banjo have delivered inspirational messages in nearly 35 states, Nepal, and Japan. Thanks to him, those who attended the conference will never turn down the opportunity to help another.
-Gaby Gonzalez 

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