Monday, February 20, 2017


On November 7, 2016, Elko High School’s HOSA chapter kicked off HOSA Week by selling hot chocolate bright and early before school and in between classes throughout the entire week. Officers and members helped sell the cocoa and raise money to go towards our National Alliance on Mental Illness National Service project this year. Together we planned and participated in fun dress up days and lunch and night activities to create an exciting week for all students to participate in. All the members in HOSA were able to vote on such dress up days and activities, the results were as followed:
‘Merica Monday: Wear Red, White, and Blue
Night Activity: Pumpkin Painting Contest
Tuesday: Doctor vs. Patient
Night Activity: Board Game Night/Grey's Anatomy
Wednesday: Hunter vs. Hunted
Night Activity: Scavenger Hunt
Thursday: Class Colors Day, Compete for the Spirit Stick!
Seniors – Maroon        Juniors – White
Sophomores – Black     Freshmen – Grey
Lunch Activity: Chicken Drop
Friday: No School
Officers and members spread the information through announcements, twitter, and by hanging flyers and posters throughout the high school. HOSA participation increased and money for NAMI was raised throughout the successful 2016 HOSA week. Until next year!

-submitted by Gaby Gonzalez

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