Monday, February 20, 2017

Bodybuilder Injects Coconut Oil, Damages Arm Muscle

The pressure in todays society to look great is rising and one gentle men went as far as to inject himself with coconut oil in attempts to increase the size and definition of him arm. Rachel Reltner released on December 1st an article about an amateur body builder form the United Kingdom who took extreme and dangerous measures for enhance him physical appearance.
            The body builder also used steroids in addition to the coconut oil for increase his muscle definition. The coconut oil lead to the development of cyst inside of the gentlemen’s arm muscles revealed by an ultrasound. While the gentle men also ruptured a tendon from the steroids. After these finding the doctor suspected the man was injecting himself and the man admitted to using coconut oil.
            The mans doctor also pointed out how “alarmingly, this practice, used for the short-term enhancement of muscular appearance, seems to come at a significant cost.” Practices such as injecting oneself with coconut oil may be common due to the fact that they are inexpensive but they are also extremely dangerous and potentially life-threatening. No one should take dangerous measures just to make themselves look better. Everyone should put their health first by not only being healthy physically but also having healthy practices in every aspect of life.

-Daisy Uribe

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